Excerpt from “Atomic Memory: Blue Glow”

by Nancy Dickeman, former Abe Keller Peace Education Fund Board Member “When we lived in Richland, my father worked as a nuclear physicist at what was then called the Hanford Nuclear Reservation: 586 square miles of sand-swept land taken for the government’s Manhattan Project. The tribes, Yakama, Nez Perce, Umatilla and Wanapum, who hunted and […]

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Abe the Mensch

Former board member George Gutmann shared these beautiful reflections of Abe a few years ago. With current political events challenging those committed to peace and justice, it helps to remember the joy and grace Abe carried through his work and life.   Thanksgiving Day  2012 Hello Thad, The turkey is in the oven. Thus it’s  an especially good […]

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