About the Fund

The Abe Keller Peace Education Fund is a non-profit organization, achieving 501C(3) status in 2000. The Fund plays a unique role of providing financial support for peace and justice education in the Pacific Northwest.
Our Mission: Our mission is to make small, strategic financial contributions to groups and organizations in the Puget Sound region that educate the public about peace and justice through programs, projects and outreach activities.
Our Vision: To live in a society that prioritizes meeting civic needs and seeking peace and justice, rather than funding the military-industrial sector.
Scope: We define education as a broad activity that can include training, organizing, public demonstrations, and other formats that help grow collective knowledge about peace and justice in our communities.
We are interested in activities that focus on:
fostering communication and understanding in multi-cultural communities
educating about peace and disarmament as real alternatives to war and military aggression
organizational responses to individual and institutional racism
racial disparity in our schools and criminal justice system
increasing understanding and correcting policies that have disparate impacts on people and communities of color
gender disparities
religious persecution
nonviolence and conflict resolution
environmental justice
the school-to-prison-to-deportation pipeline
Our Previous Grant Recipients include a variety of activities and communities that demonstrate the reach of the Fund’s work.
Public Meetings
The Abe Keller Fund holds two public meetings a year in Seattle. Our Annual Meeting is held in the spring, and the Wine and Cheese Fundraiser occurs in late November or early December each year. Typically each meeting consists of a social time, announcements, music or art, and a speaker or panel addressing a relevant peace and justice issue. In addition, elections for the Board of Directors occurs during the Annual Meeting.
To learn more about our meetings and other activities, sign up for our Mailing List or Like us on Facebook.